Thursday, October 27, 2011

From Sacred to Lawn Decor

 I think it's safe to say just about everyone has seen this picture (or a variation of it) on poster in dorm rooms, on t-shirts, even key chains and necklaces. Like many people I didn't know much about Bob Marley I knew he smoked marijuana and sang in a thick Jamaican accent but that was about it. What was really interesting to me was how a religion can be assimilated into modern culture, and a long the way can lose the true roots. So, I did some thinking about what elements of religion are seen, and found this.

                   As we can see in the picture above this is a necklace of Jesus, it is white gold and encrusted with diamonds, clearly this does not reflect Christianity. Instead of representing Christianity it shows of wealth and affluence.

                       These to statues are the ancient Greek goddesses Hebe and Aphrodite, they are lawn ornaments. Although ancient Greek religion is not very prominent today it is still kind of disconcerting
 in a way that goddesses that were so significant have become cheesy lawn decor.

             I feel as though religion has lost some of the sacredness that it once had. At least people should try and learn things they wear or display in their home or lawn.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with what you are saying. I think that going to a liberal arts college, the idea of Bob Marley has been extremely skewed. And I have to admit, I really didn't know the real Bob Marley until I took this class. Maybe other cultures where Christianity is not widely practiced would look at all of the decor focused around Jesus and interpret that in a different way as well.
