Tuesday, October 11, 2011

A Wealth of Knowledge

After reading through book II in Augustine and How to Read the Bible I’ve found that there are some differences but a few similar traits. Both texts discuss how to properly interpret and understand the scriptures.
In How to Read a Bible, Billings talks about all different ways to decipher the bible and what different scholars think are the best ways to interpret it. In the end the consensus is that one does not need a perfect understanding but rather the willingness and ability to rejoice and love God and our neighbors. Basically, an individual will never stop learning and finding new things in the bible but they should be satisfied in not fully understanding but rather getting enjoyment and peace from the readings.
Augustine disagrees with being satisfied with limited knowledge. He says that the best way to start interpreting the scriptures is to have a perfect understanding in Latin. Augustine says a true brilliant person will not nit-pick about the exact translation but will understand the bigger picture. A person who is well educated but does not dwell on small details will get the most out of the texts. 

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